Cyber Security Awareness
Cyber security is a vital part of an organisation's information security measures.
You may be surprised to know that Cyber-crime costs UK businesses over £30 billion a year not counting the massive disruption to the normal running of a business.
Security breaches are very common, in fact half of all UK business experience at least one security breach a year. It is also a well-known fact that a significant number of these breaches are results of poor cyber-security awareness amongst staff.
That is why, by educating staff to take basic and common-sense cyber-security precautions businesses can and do reduce the incidence cyber-crime
Starting from the premise that all staff are responsible for keeping information safe when using computers, This Cyber Security Awareness Course has been designed to help staff gain an awareness of the risks and proposes some good cyber-security tips to minimise the risk of falling victim to cyber-criminals
This is not a technical course. It is aimed at all staff using a connected device at home or in the workplace. It includes some straightforward practical steps that will help protect computers, networks, programmes and data from unauthorised access, helping to safeguard the systems and information we use.
Course Content
• Common causes of security breaches
• Simple Steps staff can take to reduce/prevent them
• Common ways malicious software can penetrate to your network/devices
• Protecting emails
• Passwords - good practice
• Accessing websites
• Using social media
• Uploading data from external devices
• Day to day vigilance
• Spotting security weaknesses
• Reporting a security breach
• Recovery plans
• How organisations should handle breaches if/when they do happen.