End of Life Care - Introduction

£29.99 exc VAT

End of Life Care - The Fundamentals eLearning Training Course

At Oxford Applied Training, we provide an end of life training course in Berkshire and Oxfordshire for people working in the health care sector. We hear all too often in cases where people have had to spend their final weeks or days of live away from family and family. Also, being denied the compassion, care and respect they deserve.

The fundamental version of the end of life training course in Oxfordshire and Berkshire aims to introduce learners to the basic principles of end of life (palliative) care. It emphasises the importance of providing person-created support in ways that both protect and promote a person's dignity.

Learners will also explore how good communication between everyone in support network and the individual is key to planning care which meets their needs or wishes.

The online materials include case studies, quizzes and activities to help reinforce learning as students work through each topic.

Furthermore, learners will carry out an online assessment to check their learning on completion of the Oxfordshire and Berkshire end of life training course.

Topics covered include:

• The basic principles involved in a good end of the life care.
• The reasons why person-centred approaches to care planning and delivery are most effective.
• The reasons why good communication skills are important.
• Effective techniques for providing practical and personal care.
• How you can provide support to the family in the final days and after death.

Oxford Applied Training strives to provide their customers and clients with top of the range training courses in the UK. So if you would like to know more information regarding our end of life training course in Berkshire and Oxfordshire, contact us on 01235 430 460. One of our friendly representatives will be more than happy to help you.