Infection Control

£29.99 exc VAT

Infection Control e-learning training course
This e-learning course comprises an introduction and two easy-to-follow study units. The importance of good hygiene and the ease with which infection can spread are key aspects, along with the importance of good infection control policies.

Unit Titles
•Unit 1 - How to Use the Course
•Unit 2 - Understanding Infection and Hand Hygiene
•Unit 3 - Controlling Infection and Safe Waste Disposal

Learning Objectives: at the end of the course, students will be able to:
•List common pathogenic microorganisms and explain why they are harmful
•Explain what HCAI means and why it is important
•Describe how the chain of infection serves to spread disease
•Identify key pieces of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and explain how and when they are used
•Give key reasons why hands need to be decontaminated
•Deploy an effective hand-washing technique
•Describe how to break the chain of infection to prevent contamination
•Identify and comply with key components of infection control policy
•List their responsibilities as a member of staff
•Identify and separate different types of waste
•Explain the importance of handling waste safely
•Follow correct procedure when dealing with spillages and sharps.